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OCR Manga Reader Version History
- Version 9.8 - 2023 October 06
- Fixed potential crash issue for cbz/zip files that have backslash in the folder hierarchy..
- Fixed right and middle mouse buttons not working on some devices.
- Version 9.7 - 2022 March 17
- Fixed potential crash issue when opening file browser on device without an external SD card (Ticket #14).
- Added "OCR > Misc > Dictionary panel text size" setting.
- Added "OCR > Misc > Dictionary panel entry spacing" setting.
- Automatically remove first OCR'd char if it is not a kanji, kana, or number.
- Prevent unintended button focus when bluetooth keyboard is attached (or mouse that Android recognizes as a keyboard...).
- When experimental mode is enabled, auto-correct first word.
- When experimental mode is enabled, middle-click when OCR is shown will now display the OCR Error Correction Editor.
- When experimental mode is enabled, middle-click when OCR is not shown will now toggle scroll wheel mode (scroll, zoom, none).
- Version 9.6 - 2021 October 15
- The auto-crop feature will now crop out nested borders and borders of any color (just not white).
- Fixed issue where text could not be sent to the clipboard from the Send menu when using an EPWING dictionary that OMR does not have a parser for (Ticket #12).
- Removed "Sanseido J-J (web)" from the Send menu (it was discontinued).
- Version 9.5 - 2021 September 11
- Improved the quality of the tap-to-capture feature, especially in the case were the bottom-most character is close to the boundary of the speech bubble which is itself close to some kind of high contrast foreground element.
- Added separate tap-to-capture X and Y scale factor settings (previously a single setting adjusted both scale factors).
- Version 9.4 - 2021 September 6
- Version 9.3 - 2021 June 10
- Updated the kanji dictionary. Novel frequencies are now used instead of newspaper frequencies.
- Version 9.2 - 2021 June 4
- In the OCR Error Correction Editor, the Correction buttons now show the reference image on top and text on bottom (instead of reference image on left and text on right). Also the title has been removed.
- The dialog that appears when a Correction button is clicked is now opaque, has a thin gray title bar, and shows the reference image to the left of the first alternate choice button instead of on top.
- Multi-character substitutions from substitutions.txt are now supported again.
- Added additional_choices.txt which allows additional choices to be added to Correction buttons (in addition to the choices returned by the OCR engine). You may edit this, but it will be overwritten with each new version.
- The kanji dictionary now comes prepackaged. Entries from the kanji dictionary may be disabled in "Settings > OCR > Misc".
- Kanji dictionary entries now show the frequency from the kanji dictionary instead of the word dictionary.
- Added a blank space below the last dictionary entry.
- Added additional localizations.
- Version 9.1 - 2021 June 1
- The OCR Error Correction Editor will now be positioned such that it does not obscure the Dictionary Panel as much. For example, if the Dictionary Panel is displayed at the top of the screen, the OCR Error Correction Editor will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- The Dictionary Panel now shows a preview of the edits made in the OCR Error Correction Editor.
- When OCR Error Correction Editor is shown, the rest of the screen is no longer dimmed.
- Prevent the keyboard from appearing automatically when the OCR Error Correction Editor is shown.
- Prevent background of Dictionary Panel from being too dark the first time that it is displayed.
- Version 9.0 - 2021 May 31
- Revamped the OCR Error Correction Editor. Some notes:
- Correction buttons are created for each character in the OCR text.
- Click a Correction button to show a list of alternate choices for that character sorted from most-likely to least-likely. These alternate choices are provided by the OCR engine. The currently selected choice is shown in yellow.
- Correction buttons that are colored light blue indicate that only one alternate choice exists. When clicked, the alternate choice will be toggled.
- If no alternate choices exist for a character, its Correction button will be grayed out and clicking it will have no effect.
- Correction buttons with no text indicate the character was automatically removed during post-processing. You may click it to add it back.
- You may long-click a Correction button to select the default choice.
- You may still edit the text manually using the keyboard like before, but clicking a Correction button will remove your manual edits. So if you need to manually edit the text, do it after you have pressed the Correction buttons.
- The background is now translucent.
- Increase font size of OCR text orientation button for languages other than English and Japanese.
- Moved from NDK r10d to NDK r17c to fix crash issue in armeabi-v7a when calling ResultIterator::getChoicesAndConfidence().
- Version 8.3 - 2021 May 28
- In File Browser, added dedicated back button (◀), and removed the "Back to parent folder" list item.
- In File Browser, navigation buttons will now appear for these locations if they are accessible: internal storage, removable SD card, root (/), and "/Manga".
- You can now change the app language in the Advanced settings (the built-in dictionary is still in English though).
- Added machine translated localizations for Filipino, Indonesian, Korean, Malaysian, and Russian.
- Updated localization for Portuguese.
- Version 8.2 - 2021 May 22
- In File Browser, add the removable SD card folder to the "emulated" folder (was not appearing on Android 11 under "storage" folder). Generally appears in this format: "xxxx_xxxx".
- When another app (such as a file browser) sends a file to OMR to open, try harder to avoid a copy to the app cache.
- Version 8.1 - 2021 May 21
- Added "PDF render quality" setting.
- PDF image size is now bound by the "Max image width/height" settings.
- In the File Browser, changed the PDF icon to match the CBZ/CBR icons.
- Added PDF file association (intent filter).
- (Ticket #7) Hopefully fixed crash that can occur when another app (such as a file browser) sends a file to OMR to open. In some cases, file may be cached locally.
- Updated localizations for German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Polish (using machine translations provided by
- Added Japanese localization.
- Version 8.0 - 2021 May 15
- Added PDF support (Ticket #5).
- Create separate APK for each ABI.
- Version 7.5 - 2021 April 30
- Updated built-in dictionary (43,518 new entries).
- Updated frequency dictionary.
- Updated optional name dictionary (2,451 new entries).
- In OCR Error Correction Editor, added substitution buttons for the following: 千 ←→ 干, 問 ←→ 間, 聞 → 間, 党 ←→ 覚, 惜 ←→ 借, タ → 夕, カ → 力, エ → 工.
- Added items to substitutions.txt: "丿=ノ".
- Version 7.4 - 2021 March 28
- When in two-page layout and on the last page, fixed crash that occurred when attempting to go to the next page.
- Two-page layout will now follow the current reading direction.
- Two-page layout will no longer display as a single-page layout when on the first or last page.
- The File Browser will now start in the folder that contains the currently opened file.
- Removed items from substitutions.txt: "ァ=ア", "ィ=イ", "ゥ=ウ", "ェ=エ", "ォ=オ", "ヶ=ケ"
- Version 7.3 - 2021 March 26
- Only show Flip Controls dialog if reading direction setting changed and controls need to be flipped (Ticket #9).
- The first/last/rewind/fast-forward buttons in the Page Browser dialog now follow reading direction.
- The "Translation" animation now moves in the correct direction.
- Added on/off toast for auto crop.
- In OCR Error Correction Editor, added substitution buttons for the following: 甲 → 申, 曰 → 日, 力 → カ, 八 → ハ, ぁ → あ, ぃ → い, ぅ → う, ぇ → え, ぉ → お, ゎ → わ, ゕ → か, ゖ → け, ァ → ア, ィ → イ, ゥ → ウ, ェ → エ, ォ → オ, ッ → ツ, ツ → ッ, ヮ → ワ, ヵ → カ, ヶ → ケ
- Added items to substitutions.txt: "ゖ=け", "ァ=ア", "ィ=イ", "ゥ=ウ", "ェ=エ", "ォ=オ", "ヮ=ワ", "ヶ=ケ"
- Version 7.2 - 2021 March 19
- OCR buttons are now translucent.
- In OCR Error Correction Editor, added substitution buttons for the following: 卜 → ト, 夕 → タ, 目 → 自, 工 → エ.
- Removed the "Go to…" menu option (use Page Browser instead).
- Added "L=し" to substitutions.txt.
- Remove "content" scheme from intent filter.
- When experimental mode is enabled, long-pressing the previous word/next word/text orientation/exit button auto-substitutes the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th eligible character respectively.
- When experimental mode is enabled, clicking the bottom edge of the screen with the mouse cursor will toggle auto-crop.
- When experimental mode is enabled, show list of 5 most recent files instead of 2 on start.
- When experimental mode is enabled, added "Open last" menu option.
- When experimental mode is enabled, restored "Zoom | Action size" functionality.
- When experimental mode is enabled, re-purposed "Take photo" to save date + title to clipboard.
- In File Browser, when experimental mode is enabled, no longer start with the RECENT tab instead of the OPEN tab.
- Version 7.1 - 2021 March 13
- In File Browser, add "/mnt" and "/mnt/shared" folders if they exist (Ticket #8).
- Added substitution buttons in the OCR Correction Editor for some characters. For example, click on the 2nd "つ" button to convert the 2nd "っ" to "つ". Long click to replace all occurrences (the first character may not be substituted if words do not commonly start with that character).
- When "Send" is long clicked, show all Send options.
- Removed the OCR Error Correction Editor "You may manually correct any OCR errors in the box provided" message.
- Will no longer automatically show keyboard when OCR Error Correction Editor is shown in landscape orientation and substitution buttons exist.
- Typo: Change "Very frequency common color" to "Very common frequency color".
- In File Browser, when experimental mode is enabled, start with the RECENT tab instead of the OPEN tab.
- When experimental mode is enabled, long-pressing the previous word button converts "つ" to "っ".
- When experimental mode is enabled, long-pressing the next word button converts "っ" to "つ".
- Version 7.0 - 2020 April 4
- Fixed bug where nothing was saved when "Send action" was set to "Word List Save File" (Ticket #5).
- Added "Entire Selection" to the Word List Save File Format option (Ticket #5).
- Word List Save File Format option now uses check boxes (Ticket #5).
- In File Browser, show size in MB instead of KB.
- In File Browser, added current page, total pages, and last date viewed information.
- In File Browser, comics that have been completely read are now colored green.
- In File Browser "Recent" tab, comics that have been deleted are now colored pink.
- In Page Browser, place caret at end of edit box and automatically show keyboard.
- In Page Browser, added rewind/fast forward buttons.
- In Page Browser, change thumbnail page text to black, increase its size, and reduce spacing between thumbnails.
- In Page Browser, long click thumbnail to set temporary bookmark, long click Go button to recall.
- If no items were found under "/storage/emulated", a directory will be added that represents the external storage folder.
- Pressing "Back to parent folder" when current directory is root will now navigate to the external storage folder.
- Automatically show keyboard when OCR Error Correction Editor appears.
- Added option to set background color.
- Changed default orientation to portrait.
- Display toast after some of the image enhancements.
- Created custom toast style for page number.
- Added run-time permission check on startup (needed for newer targetSdkVersion).
- Fixed full screen on newer devices (thanks to newer targetSdkVersion).
- Added Rotate option to menu even when comic is not shown.
- Removed Yahoo Jisho from the Send menu (it was discontinued in 2019).
- Fixed error when opening zip/cbr files when Cp437 character set was encountered in directory/file name.
- Minor tweak to the RAR code to help prevent out-of-memory errors.
- Now using Material theme for devices that support it.
- Created Adaptive icon set for devices that support it.
- Changed default tint color to orange-ish. Was red.
- Default dictionary background is slightly darker.
- Prevent mouse right-click entering OCR mode when image is not shown.
- In experimental mode, added mouse edge click actions.
- Replaced existing option menu with popup menu (old method was not compatible with Material).
- Set minSdkVersion to 14 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Was 11 (Honeycomb).
- Set targetSdkVersion to 28 (Pie). Was 19 (KitKat).
- Migrated project from Eclipse to Android Studio.
- Version 6.6 - 2019 November 1
- Added the "Tap-to-capture scale factor" option to allow the tap-to-capture feature to work on larger text.
- Fixed issue where the tap-to-capture feature sometimes did not work near the edges of the screen.
- Fixed crash when very large image was encountered and any of the image enhancement features were enabled.
- Slight modifications to some names/descriptions in the settings.
- Version 6.5 - 2019 October 20
- Added auto crop image enhancement option.
- Added gamma image enhancement option.
- Added image brightness image enhancement option.
- Added invert image enhancement option.
- Added color tint image enhancement option.
- The image enhancement menu options and 2-page layout option now display a check mark when enabled.
- Version 6.4 - 2019 April 21
- Added sharpen and contrast settings.
- Rearranged some items in the menu and added "Enhance...".
- Removed transition effect when toggling two-page layout.
- Version 6.3 - 2019 January 11 (Unreleased)
- Show 100 most recent files instead of 10.
- Changed "Zoom" to "Zoom…".
- Added "Fit Screen" to the Zoom menu.
- Version 6.2 - 2017 July 7
- Added "Keep Screen On" option. (Used to always be on).
- In "Send to..." menu, changed "Clipboard" to "Clipboard (Highlighted Word)".
- In "Send to..." menu, added "Clipboard (Entire Phrase)".
- In "Send to..." menu, added "Google Translate (Web)".
- In "Send to..." menu, fixed "Sanseido J-J (Web)" lookup URL.
- You may now tap on the capture box to lookup the next word.
- Version 6.1 - 2016 August 26
- Add border on trigger captures.
- Added "Force Border" option.
- Removed "Strip Furigana" option (always on now).
- Removed "Enhance" button (always on now).
- Removed "Vibrate" permission (was never used).
- Version 6.0 - 2016 August 21
- Upon entering OCR mode, user may now tap text instead of drawing a box.
- Removed legacy ACV cruft.
- Version 5.2 - 2016 May 29
- Added an "Auto" text orientation option.
- Version 5.1 - 2016 January 20
- Updated to Tesseract v3.05 dev (160105 snapshot).
- Version 5.0 - 2015 December 30
- Added two-page layout.
- Added ability to take a photo.
- Version 4.1 - 2015 July 31
- Added support for optional kanji dictionary.
- Version 4.0 - 2015 July 2
- Added ability to save to a word list.
- Added support for optional name dictionary.
- Version 3.2 - 2015 June 12
- Added bluetooth keyboard shortcuts.
- Holding the primary (left) mouse button while scrolling the mouse wheel up/down will zoom in/out.
- The Vert/Horiz button is slighter wider to prevent text wrapping on some devices.
- Version 3.1 - 2015 May 13
- Updated the EDICT and frequency databases.
- Version 3.0 - 2014 December 30
- Added frequency information.
- Added ability to lookup the next/previous word.
- Added customizable buttons to the left, right, top, and bottom edges.
- Added option to set the action to take when the OCR Send button is pressed.
- Added the known/todo word marker (looks at known_words.txt and todo_words.txt)
- Added scroll amount option.
- EPWING feature now works with Android 5.0.
- Fixed one potential source of the "Unable to load image" error.
- Fixed one potential source of random crashes.
- Fixed Yahoo Jisho search paths.
- Removed the Show/Hide button.
- Minor GUI tweaks related to button sizes.
- Minor tweaks to menu text.
- Modified layout defaults.
- Optimized substitutions.
- Added link to homepage.
- Removed the "OCR: " prefix from the OCR'd text.
- Version 2.4 - 2014 July 11
- Will now attempt to strip furigana before OCR.
- Added mouse wheel support.
- Changed some default settings (landscape, show line number, remapped some controls).
- Version 2.3 - 2014 March 28
- Fixed bug that prevented light text on a dark background from OCRing correctly.
- Updated EDICT.
- Increased default max width and height to 1600x1600 for low memory devices.
- Version 2.2 - 2014 March 8
- Improved OCR accuracy (Tesseract v3.02.02 + custom config + better pre-processing)
- Renamed "Binarize" to "Enhance"
- For devices with < 32MB available heap, force Low Memory Mode.
- By default, max width and max height are now set automatically.
- Added default subject line when contacting the developer.
- Version 2.1 - 2013 December 6
- For EPWING searches, don't kanjify the word before lookup.
- For EPWING searches, if the definition is blank and parsing is enabled, display the first example sentence instead.
- When "Show screen number" is enabled, also show the total page count.
- Fix bug in 『研究社 新和英大辞典 第5版』 search where the definition wasn't shown if it did not contain any alpha characters.
- Version 2.0 - 2013 November 28
- Added support for EPWING dictionaries.
- Added more color options.
- Version 1.3 - 2013 November 23
- Enabled "Immersive Mode" which removes the navigation bar on devices that have one. Only affects Android 4.4+ devices. Also added an Exit button to the top-right corner that can be used in addition to the back button to exit OCR mode.
- Dictionary panel should now display proper Japanese glyphs instead of Chinese glyphs when device's language is not set to Japanese. Only affects Android 4.4+ devices.
- Version 1.2 - 2013 September 17
- Corner button taps now register even if user slides their finger a little.
- Added the "OCR -> Layout -> Large Nudge Buttons" setting
- Version 1.1 - 2013 September 07
- Changed "OCR -> Hide/Show" to "OCR -> Layout"
- Added the "OCR -> Layout -> Simplified layout (portrait)" setting
- Added the "OCR -> Layout -> Simplified layout (landscape)" setting
- Added "Advanced -> Max zoom factor" setting
- Added "Advanced -> Zoom increment" setting
- Added auto-repeat action to the nudge buttons
- On single tap don't display menu if the action is set to None
- Fixed de-inflections not working when switching screen orientation
- Version 1.0 - 2013 September 02